June, 2024


Chapter 1 Episode 3: God Vegeta Arc.

Instead of Goku, Vegeta was chosen to be the next Saiayan God. With Fu's interference, things become complicated... and interesting for Beerus.

In the Epilogue, after all was said and done, and collecting energy from these experiments, Fu completes his Demon Time Ring, and gets an intriguing peek into the future, promising to show us next time.

With that, the DLC story is on pause.

After that, I went ahead and started the Legendary Time Patrol and beat down Raditz. Also jumped into one of the latest PQs.


Episode 2 of Chapter 1: Super Dark Black Arc.

This one was rather fun. What if Zamas traded bodies with Goku, but didn't immediately kill him, and instead got different power ups? The answer is Zamas!Goku teams up with everyone and helps eliminate the mad god body snatcher.

Gonna be fun jumping into Episode 3.


New DLC!

Did Episode 1 of Chapter 1; The Broly Arc.

Quite the standard set of fights, but they were still relatively fun. Episode 2 is next. I'll be playing that one soon.

November, 2023


Started the Hard Mode Run. Completed Chapters 1 and 2, and am now in the thick of Chapter 3. Thought enemies would be harder to dispatch, but it seems there's just a bit of an increase of them this time around... maybe. It's been a bit since I've played early game, so I could be wrong. Also, rockin' Costume Type B. Black Kimonos with blue/red sashes look great. Also, Mio's glasses.

Maybe I'll do a review for the game soon.

June, 2023


Jumped back into the game after a month. Started Velvet's story. Completed Prologue and Chapter 1.